Can we Use Solar Horse Arena Lights?

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using solar lights in horse arena

Solar riding arena lights are a lighting solution for any type of outdoor arena. For example, you can install solar lights in the roping arena for cooling down your horse. Especially after a hard training session. But you can also install these fixtures for a dressage arena to illuminate evening equestrian events.

Solar lighting uses several photovoltaic panels to generate electric energy. In detail, a battery allows you to gather the generated electricity for later use. Usually, they are intended to support lighting devices. But you can use them to provide enough brightness for the equine to trot safely late in the afternoon.

Sometimes, horse owners want to know more about this light because they never had one. So, here are the most important facts about solar lights to get you started.

Pros and Cons of LED solar horse arena lights

pros and cons of solar riding arena lights


1. Hassle-free installation

Many sports with horses require you to move from the horse barn to an arena and other areas. So, wires along the way might hinder your equine quadrupeds. Usually, you need to devise a smart, underground lighting design, collect and secure the cables, or hang them above everyone’s head. All this planning takes time and money away.

Solar lights just need a photovoltaic panel and a battery to function. In other words, no underground wiring. Most models come with clamps or brackets anyway. Basically, you can install these fixtures anywhere you want, as long as the weight is not a problem.

2. No electricity cost

reducing electricity bill by using solar flood lights in horse arenaAs you might expect, solar horse arena lights mean no electricity costs. They turn solar energy into electricity, after all. By using renewable energy, you can cut down the riding arena lighting expenses. The only requirement is to place them in the most suitable spot for light to hit the photovoltaic module.

Most models let you plug them into the national grid in case of necessity. Others may have an additional generator. But most importantly, they will all work even when the light goes out. Thanks to a built-in battery, the LED light sources can illuminate the roping arena for several hours. Without costing you money.

3. Reduce maintenance cost

If you replace older light fixtures with solar horse arena lights, you will reduce maintenance costs by almost 100%. In fact, these fittings require minimal or no maintenance.

Consider that LED light sources can last for >150,000 hours. Plus, they do not overheat and are remarkably reliable in terms of performance. You can turn them on and off at will without delays. Unlike old metal halide or HPS lamps, there is no risk of shortening their life span whatsoever.

Here is what regular maintenance of solar riding arena lights implies. You should clean the photovoltaic panel every once in a while. Mostly because the accumulation of dust can slightly reduce its efficacy. But cleaning does not require much time.

You only need to use a moist cloth and water. At worse, you are looking at one hour of cleaning every two or three years to wash four or six solar dressing arena lights. You could also clean them every year for the best results, and it will not do them any harm.

led solar roping arena lights

4. Smart control

Schooling in the first hours of the day could mean a problem for the rider who needs to light up the schooling ring. But luckily, solar lighting comes with several sensors with smart functions. For example:

  • dusk to dawn
  • motion sensor
  • wireless control via a dedicated app
  • Bluetooth remote control

Each model lets you save time and prevent injuries. Plus, you can set up different profiles for specific equine activities or equestrian competitions.

Equitation may require the rider to train on specific jumper-like courses. So, smart control comes in handy to provide extra brightness with ease. In this way, the rider’s focus remains intact to ensure the best form during each jump. The motion sensor can also function as security lights.

5. Safer

When the photovoltaic panel heats up, the module generates a 12V low DC voltage. This means that the LED lights receive just the right level of direct electric current they need to light up. In other words, low direct current voltage prevents electric shock, which is safer for equestrians and horses as well.

The simple design of a solar light includes an enclosed casing design. Unlike standard floodlights, most models come with no dangerous exposed cable. To specify, some models may still have a power cable to connect the light to the grid. But the majority of them are independent and thus safer. Moreover, no cables under the riding sneakers or the hooves ensure better stability and less discomfort.

6. Work independently

Each solar light works independently, so if one of them goes off, it will not affect the others. As such, they are also useful as support or emergency lights. A power surge can damage multiple systems. But it will not impact the independent solar horse arena light fixtures. No blackouts mean that your horse will not spook and jump sideways. As a result, the rider will never be in danger. And the horse will not stress out either.

Right at the entrance of the horse barn, you can install two portable models. Each with its own little photovoltaic panel to provide a soft light to guide the horse toward its box stall. Or you could set a red-colored light to allow you to access the stable without disrupting the horses’ sleep. At the same time, you do not run the risk of falling into a hole hidden by hay.


1. Lower brightness

A solar lighting system cannot compare in brightness with powerful LED flood lights (>500W). Usually, the wattage of typical solar LED flood light is around 50 to 200 Watts. Yet, a few solar lights are still suitable for a residential/recreational horse arena.

The key to using a solar lighting system is to figure out a good lighting design. When an expert like us incorporates solar lights, the main goal is to lower the overall operating costs. So, you can place these lights in strategic places to provide just enough brightness at the right luminous intensity. The photovoltaic panel must be high enough for daylight to reach it. But at the same time, the fixtures must not be so low that it causes glare.

2. They require sunshine

solar light needs sunlight to charge

By all means, these fixtures are not suitable for shady areas. Or any place where the sunlight is blocked by surrounding trees or buildings. Daylight is around 100,000 lux, which is more than enough to charge the solar battery fast. However, an overcast day provides just 1,000 to 2,000 lux, so the charging speed is significantly lowered. Sadly, these lights cannot charge at night.

Each equine species is different, but mainly, horses sleep at night. So, these lights are great for a roping arena. The equestrian can control which light to turn on for specific jumps. But these lights can be helpful to rug the horse during winter too. Or to clean the horse’s hooves. These activities only require a minimum light level and will not drain the battery too much.

3. Need regular cleaning

As previously mentioned, you still have to remove the dust on the solar panel. So, this means that you need to do extraordinary cleaning after dusty rain. In fact, residues of dirt may remain even after heavy rain. Blood rain can occur once or twice a year in most areas. Then again, if you live in a windy area, some of the sand in the rodeo arena could end up on the photovoltaic panel.

You might have to clean the solar lights of the dressage arena more often if you plan to host many exhibitions and competitions.

Can you use solar flood lights in a horse arena?

Mainly, the answer depends on your need:

  • Yes, you can. Especially if you want to save time and installation costs of more traditional lighting systems. Or if you need temporary lighting solutions. I would like to remind you that they are more suitable for homeowners/recreational use than for professional competitions at the Grand Prix level.
  • No. You should not use solar lights if you need bright lighting all year round. Above all, they are not intended to supply permanent lighting. If that is what you need, then you should install conventional high mast pole lights, just like those you can see all around a soccer field.

Solar lighting FAQ

1. Can we use solar lights for the indoor riding arena?

Yes, but we need to place the solar panel on the roof to receive maximum sunlight. In short, you might need professionals to wire all the fixtures up and connect them to the photovoltaic panel.

If you want to use them inside the stable, you need a precise lighting layout. Then, you can calculate how many watts the panel should generate in order to make everything work. It may require some adjustments along the way, but for experts like us, it is totally doable.

2. How long does the solar battery last?

The running time of a typical solar battery is 3 to 8 hours, depending on the wattage of the solar lights and the battery capacity. The dusk to dawn photocell or motion sensor may also consume energy.

If you use some of the smart control systems previously presented, you might reduce the idle state power consumption. Generally speaking, the cheapest Lithium battery of a solar light lasts for approx. 500 recharges. You might expect longer life spans from high-quality products.

3. How much does it cost to buy solar horse arena lights?

On average, solar riding arena lights will cost you around $0.8 to $2 per watt, depending on the brand name and the luminous efficacy of LED lights. Usually, higher luminous efficacy means more expensive models.

On the bright side, you have plenty of products on the market to choose from. So, if you want to experiment with some of the cheapest models, you can DIY install a portable solar light in the roping arena. Then, bring a horse out and put it to the test. Of course, you might need to move the light with its photovoltaic panel to a better-exposed area. If your riding arena receives more daylight, start from there. It is easy to wrongly install one next to a dressage arena and be disappointed the first time.

More hi-tech models will be more convenient for the equine and the equestrian for many reasons. For example, to strengthen the bond between them by making a trip around the new fixtures to let your horse know it is all right. Then, you can create a luminous path to the water tank for your horse’s delight.

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