Dim / Not Sufficient Basketball Court Lighting – How to Fix?


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how to fix dim basketball court

If your basketball court is dimly lit, the players may run the risk of getting hurt. In fact, poor lighting can cause serious injuries or eyestrain. At one point, the spectators will raise the issue of security as well.

Basketball stadium owners should fix the lighting system for more than one reason. If you do not troubleshoot the lighting problems fast, your arena may not meet the lighting level requirements. Or the broadcasters may complain and terminate their contract for cause.

How to fix the illuminance level issue on a basketball court

basketball court with insufficient lightingA lighting level specifies the amount of light present in an indoor or outdoor arena. On average, the illuminance can range from a few tenths of a lux, under the moonlight, to as high as 3,000 lux. The latter reading is possible during international games or special NBA events.

Of course, artificial lighting can blind the players as they pass the ball. Or distract the coach who needs to instruct the team to fill unused spots. So, the amount of light falling on the basketball court must consider all factors at play.

In an indoor arena, the luminance pattern of reflectance of the floor and walls play a critical role in what the players see. This is why most basketball associations agree on specific light levels. Depending on the level of competition, you will need:

  • 1,500 lux for international games and hosting top-tier basketball league games like FIBA or NBA
  • 500-800 lux for national basketball leagues and tournaments
  • 250 lux for local events, high school championships, and recreational use

reduce-light-pollution-of-outdoor-basketball-half-courtWhile a light meter will help you fix the illuminance level fast, you will need an expert lighting designer to troubleshoot all the other details. Especially if you are going to host televised games.

To solve an illuminance issue yourself, you will need to gauge the lumen maintenance factor of your lights. Replace any old lamp with new LED lights with a TLCI of at least 90 (or CRI of more than 85 Ra). Finally, be sure to maintain a lighting uniformity of 0.7 on the playing surface.

How to troubleshoot the most common basketball court lighting problems

In a basketball stadium, many fixtures may display flickering or reduced brightness. As the average luminance on the horizontal plane should never drop abruptly, finding and fixing an issue may require expertise. Or professional equipment. Nonetheless, here are the most common light problems you can troubleshoot with ease.

1. Flickering

The typical cause of flickering is a loose bulb. Perhaps, the socket is starting to fail. Or the latter is getting corroded. Normally, flickering occurs when you power up the basketball court lighting system. Sometimes, you can thread the lamp in to solve this issue. A lot of times, the metal contacts inside corrode over time. You may need to replace the socket or the lamp holder. Especially in an outside fixture.

Be aware that flickering also refers to another issue that concerns standard LED lights. If you host televised basketball games, broadcasters want you to assure optimal recording conditions. In this case, the only solution is buying and installing flicker-free lights. These lights are designed specifically for perfect picture and video quality.

2. Broken switches

A switch can break too. Inside a switch, a spring resides between two little metal tabs. As the spring wears out or the metal tabs wear out after numerous contacts, the light might flicker or not light up at all. Dimmer switches may have a more complex structure. But you may have to replace each defective switch. Alternatively, you can opt for a more modern solution. You can install a panel-based lighting control system. Or choose to control and group the lights via Bluetooth or wireless.

3. Backward compatibility

Compatibility is another common issue. These days, all basketball stadium owners install LED bulbs. Of course, LED fixtures are the most cost-effective lights on the market. But not all LED lights are dimmable. And not all of the switches are compatible with dimmable LEDs. Such incompatibility can lead to a short life span or strobe effect. Only pair compatible products or replace the old dimmers.

Avoiding glare and achieving visual comfort

light glare of outdoor basketball courtImagine your favorite basketball player making his signature combo moves to set up the defender and surprise him with a second move. Combo moves are valuable and fire up the spectators. But if the lights are too bright, the player’s concentration could not be ideal. Besides, the sparkling maple flooring could blind the spectators or distract them.

The parameters that lead to discomfort and glare include the direction of the light source. If the flood lights point towards the spectators, they will dazzle the audience. Even high-intensity light sources like a spot light can cause glare from a distance.

We can divide glare into a direct and indirect glare. In detail, direct glare is the result of artificial lighting present in the field of view. Instead, indirect glare refers to the reflection of high-brightness in a polished surface in a field of view.

When you point a light source on any polished surface, the latter acts as a mirror. But if you tilt the light at a suitable angle, you can achieve even illumination. Since the goal is to diffuse the glow, you must also choose fixtures with a large beam angle. For example, a 120-degree beam angle flood light.

The best solution for a dim basketball stadium

The fastest and easy way to fix any lighting issue is to request a photometric analysis. When you rely on experts who can create and gather photometry data, any lighting design becomes possible.

Thanks to professional software and spectrometers, the analysis ensures the best results. Auxiliary sensors for the correction of light absorption allow accurate tests. Above all, the designers can suggest the right color temperature of your LED lamps to achieve a balanced white.

The color temperature indicates if the light appears warm like a candle or cool like bright daylight. If you do not achieve a pleasant color temperature, the light in your basketball arena may seem too bluish or yellowish. As a result, poor lighting could impact the scoring average of both teams. The game can become boring, and people could lose interest in the game.

Without professional expertise, you will have to fiddle around. That is, until you find the right angle for the correct luminosity. In fact, experts rely on precise data and scientific formulas to describe the ideal luminous flux for your specific basketball court.

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