How Many Lights are Needed in a Warehouse?

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how many lights do we need for warehouse

Warehouse lighting solutions and gymnasiums like there is no standard answer, you need to choose a most suitable solution according to the shape and size of the warehouse, lighting brightness and lighting design solutions. This is a very abstract and difficult concept for non-professionals, this article will give you some basic knowledge, I hope it will help you.

How many lights are needed in a warehouse?

We use a 100m x 100m x 15m warehouse as the research object through professional lighting design experiments. 100 units of 100 Watts LED lights can be used to provide sufficient lighting for the warehouse at a specific angle, but of course if there is a higher lighting demand, adjustments and upgrades can be made on this basis.

In other words, we will need about 100 pcs of 100W LED lights for every 10,000 square meters warehouse. For example, if your warehouse is 30,000 square meters, we will need 300 pcs 100W LED lights. If you would like to know more about your warehouse lighting requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. We offer a free warehouse lighting design.

Since we need 100 lights in the warehouse, we can expect a spacing of about 8 to 9 meters between each light. With such a warehouse lighting layout, we can have about 120 lux to 160 lux throughout the warehouse, which is sufficient for the general purpose of the warehouse, such as good storage, movement of goods, navigation, etc. Getting enough light in the warehouse is also important for the safety of warehouse workers.

We can reduce the amount of lighting needed in a warehouse by using a larger beam angle. However, the overall wattage will increase a bit due to the more diffuse light and we may see darker areas at the edges of the warehouse due to the larger beam angle.

What determines the amount of warehouse lighting required?

Size of the warehouse

In general, larger warehouses require more lighting because each light can illuminate a limited area. Often to define the area of a warehouse we do not only use the floor space, as a space especially in vertical lighting solutions, the height of the space is also a very important influencing factor. In addition the shape of the warehouse should also be taken into account, for example a square and a cylinder will have different solutions.

Height of the warehouse

Warehouse more warehouse size, usually are the size of small warehouses 6 meters, medium-sized warehouses 6-10 meters. Large warehouse height higher than 10 meters, so in different warehouse height need more different height design lighting program, some particularly high warehouse will also consider from the ground up lighting.

Warehouse layout

After that, you need to design the lighting layout according to the warehouse, dotted, linear, filed layout, circular layout, etc., which has a lot to do with the shape of the space, the purpose is to provide sufficient lighting most efficiently and reduce the glare generation.

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